Job Data Banks is a nationwide, web-based community where qualified job seekers with disabilities and inclusive employers meet and gain access to valuable networking opportunities.

Ability Jobs serves as both a resume bank for job seekers as well as for companies looking for employees. By posting job opportunities, or searching resumes, employers can find qualified persons with disabilities while demonstrating their affirmative action policies.

Access2Ability is Manpower’s national disability employment program. It collaborates with employers, state and federal agencies, professional associations and community-based organizations to recruit talented people with disabilities.

Autism Works Now program teaches pre-employment to job skill training for 17 year olds and up with autism and special needs. (Woodland Hills, CA)

Bender Consulting Services’ mission is to recruit and hire people with disabilities for competitive career opportunities in the public and private sectors. They cater to those with expertise in the field of information technology.

Best Job Search Sites Based on In-Depth Reviews: Before you decide which job search website is best for you, learn about the available options & compare the top-rated online utilities for finding employment.

CNC Operator: Job Outlook & Career Info: Find out what a CNC operator does. Learn about the education and training requirements for employment. Read on for the career outlook and earning potential to decide if this career is a good fit for you.

Disability Resource Guide: From learning about laws that protect you, how to interview, to finding accommodating companies, here is a guide to make things a little easier. (posted by Zippia, a job matching site)

Flex Jobs: Browse & apply to expert-verified remote jobs near you & across the globe.

The Frist Center for Autism and Innovation, engineering technologies and transforming the workplace – inspired by neurodiversity, at the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering brings engineers, business scholars, and disabilities researchers together with experts in neuroscience and education to understand, maximize, and promote neurodiverse talent. From a strengths-based – as opposed to deficit-based – understanding of autism and neurodiversity, the Center sees opportunities for innovation in technology and in workplace practices. The link show the various partners of the program.  Click here for a listing of companies currently hiring.

GettingHired, Inc. is a resource for community and job listings to thousands of jobs nationwide. This site features search filters for easy job-hunting as well as related articles, forums and blogs.

Hire Potential aims to integrate and employ people with disabilities, veterans, mature employees and specialty niches. It is a national woman-owned firm that offers staffing and consulting services to corporations and government agencies.

Insight Into Diversity is a publication, e-newsletter, and website that has been connecting professionals with institutions and businesses for 35 years. Primarily a conduit for companies to reach employees through advertising and editorial content, they serve progressive employers looking to find dynamic talent in every field, including: higher education, healthcare, government and business.

Integrate Autism Employment Advisors proivdes full service advisors connecting employers and college graduates with autism

Institute for Career Development (ICD) is a New York based non-profit organization whose mission is to help people transform their lives through career development and employment. ICD serves those with barriers to employment, such as individuals with disabilities and Asperger Syndrome.

Job Resources and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities: This guide includes the following sections: Vocational Rehabilitation for Ohioans, Job Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, and FAQ and Resources for Disabled Ohioans

JobTIPS is a free program designed to help individuals with disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder explore career interests, seek and obtain employment, and successfully maintain employment. JobTIPS addresses the social and behavioral differences that might make identifying, obtaining, and keeping a job more difficult for you.

LaunchAbility Career Services Center at My Possibilities is a job-placement service for underserved and overlooked adults with cognitive disabilities.

Mentra is a hiring platform that intelligently matches neurodivergents (this includes autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other forms of neurological diversity) with fulfilling careers.

NASA Careers: Individuals with Disabilities: information about the resources available to individuals with disabilities interested in working for NASA

The National Organization on Disability (NOD) is a private, non-profit organization that promotes the full participation and contributions of America’s 57 million people with disabilities in all aspects of life. NOD focuses on increasing employment opportunities for the 80-percent of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed.

Neurodiversity Career Connector, a resource for those looking for employment and for employers, created by the Neurodiversity @ Work Employer Roundtable, a collection of employers committed to neurodiversity-focused hiring initiatives.

The Precisionists provides industry best practices for delivering administrative and technology services performed through teams which include individuals with disabilities.

Rat Race Rebellion: list of work from home jobs – virtual jobs, side gigs & savings

Ready Willing and Able connects employers who are looking for employees to the skilled people who can fill those jobs.

Resume Templates: Easily create a standout resume with free customizable resume templates. Designed for various careers and optimized for ATS,

Service Source Network is an affiliate organization comprised of five independent non-profit vocational rehabilitation agencies that operate in 9 states and the District of Columbia. In addition to their vocational rehabilitation programs, they also offer a wide range of business services, including administrative support services, mail center management, food service and manufacturing.

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers & industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce.  SkillsUSA provides educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education in the nation’s classrooms.

Springboard Consulting offers consulting, training, marketplace offerings and other resources. Job and resume posting coming soon.

The Sierra Group RecruitDisability.Org provides a platform for job seekers with disabilities and company recruiters to connect. Individuals can search job postings through very specific fields of interest.

Specialisterne works with employers to recruit highly qualified employees, to build neurodiverse teams, and to create inclusive processes, work environments, and cultures.

The Spectrum Careers is a jobs portal from Autism Speaks and Rangam Consultants Inc. designed to promote inclusive employment of the autism community by connecting employers, service providers and employees on the spectrum

Top sites ranking for Jobs And Career lists the top job search sites.  Can be set to select type of business and country.

US Business Leadership Network (USBLN) is assisting six major corporations to achieve the “gold standard” in hiring and fully including individuals with disabilities in their workforces. The listing of available positions, along with instructions on how to apply, is provided in this website.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management – Disability Employment actively recruits and hires persons with disabilities. It offers a variety of exciting jobs, competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and opportunities for career advancement.

xStellar is a national veteran owned corporation located in the Washington DC metro area entirely dedicated to helping adults with autism, learning disabilities, and other cognitive impairments build meaningful careers in IT, direct production support and office administration.

Employment Resources

Autism Career Empowerment (ACE) provides resources and training for college faculty and staff to provide autistic students with effective career counseling for employment success.  Includes the ACE Curriculum for training college faculty and staff and the Workforce Readiness and Preparation (WRaP) Program, a train-the-trainer program.

Able Hire: Helping people with disabilities build rewarding, successful careers.

Beyond the Veil of Disability_ Tech-Driven Career Breakthroughs, by Rebecca Moore: seven significant ways technologies can be leveraged for career advancement.

Career Guide for People With Disabilities: Find everything you need to know about navigating the pathway to employment as an individual with a disability.

Career Guide for Students with Disabilities offers advice on career preparation in college and why it’s important to pursue work-based learning opportunities It also provides interview, resume, and job search tips in addition to information about disability rights in the workplace.

Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities is a professional association comprised of more than 600 colleges and universities, and over 500 major national employers. COSD’s mission is to improve the employment rate of college students and recent graduates with disabilities on a national basis, by forming collaborative relationships between campus’ Disabilities Services and Career Services offices, and assisting employers in providing internships, recruiting, and hiring college graduates with disabilities.

CareerViewXR is a product that can help individuals find out more about a job. It is an interactive “choose your own adventure” multimedia experience, not just a video.

Center for Credentialing and Education is a mission driven not-for-profit organization focused on advancing access to professional development, adding value to business organizations and supporting the work of behavioral health licensing boards.

Disclosing a Mental Health Condition at Work: Being open about a mental health condition can be daunting, but ongoing research shows that avoiding disclosure can lead to burnout and other negative outcomes while transparency can lead to better workplace environments and reduce stigma about mental health.

Disclosing an autism diagnosis improves ratings of candidate performance in employment interviews, by Jade Eloise Norris , Rachel Prosser, Anna Remington, Laura Crane, and Katie Maras

Emerging Leaders Program – National Business & Disability Council (NBDC) at The Viscardi Center places top undergraduate and graduate college students with disabilities in internships nationwide that provide them with meaningful leadership development and networking opportunities.

Entry Point (American Association for the Advancement of Science) is the signature program of the AAAS Project on Science, Technology, and Disability. It identifies and recruits students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities studying in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science, and some fields of business for outstanding internship and co-op opportunities.

Guide to Trade Careers for Students With Disabilities is a guide for making the transition from high school to a skilled trades vocational program and then into the workforce.

A Guide to Remote Job Search & Onboarding: essential skills to master virtual interviews and onboarding

Hawkeye Administrative Employment Network is committed to providing quality services that align with the mission and requirements of the Ticket to Work Program. (Cedar Falls, IA)

Hawkeye Employment Network is an authorized Employment Network of the Social Security Administration that provides Ticket to Work Program services.  Includes useful information about receiving disability benefits while working. (Cedar Falls, IA)

How And Why To Showcase Your Abilities In A Public Office, Ed Carter

How to write a cracking cover letter and CV

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues.

“Job hunting in the age of remote work”: essential skills to master virtual interviews and onboarding”

Lime is an innovative program for high potential college students and graduates with disabilities —attracting, preparing and connecting highly accomplished individuals with disabilities for careers with the world’s leading corporations. Their goal is “to break stereotypes and lead all companies to realize the importance, and value, of employing people with disabilities at every level of education, talent and ability.”

Making Extra Money as a Disabled Parent, by Linda Chase: a guide to the best side gigs for disabled parents looking to make extra money.

The National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) is a professional association representing individual workforce development and human resources practitioners,. NAWDP provides the professional development, resources, and certification credibility to individuals seeking to thrive in the workforce development industry as thought leaders and innovators.

National Career Development Association (NCDA) provides professional development, publications, standards, and advocacy to practitioners and educators who inspire and empower individuals to achieve their career and life goals.

Needing At-Home Workers, Call Centers Turn to People With Disabilities, by Jaclyn Peiser: about getting at-home jobs.

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Experiential Education Initiative (EEI) Internship Program provides hands-on Internships and opportunities to explore today’s complex performing arts environment to six motivated individuals each year.

Office of Disability Employment Policy: To develop and influence disability employment-related policies and practices, ODEP sponsors the following five policy development and technical assistance resources: Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Policy, Job Accomodation Network, The National Center on Leadership for the Employment and Economic Advancement of People with Disabilities, The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT), and the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth).  See also webpage on Competitive Integrated Employment.  See the webpage  CIE Transformation Hub which provides resources to support steps to increase the participation of people with disabilities in CIE.

Trade School Guide for Students with Disabilities by Sophie Tarrant. Trade or vocational schools offer focused, career-driven education full of opportunities. Read to learn more about applying to and attending trade school as a disabled student.

Resume and Employment Guide for People With Disabilities contains best practices for resume writing, laws that protect you from discrimination, and several other topics that you should know about as a disabled worker. Two good resources accessible on this site:
Resume and Employment Guide for People With Disabilities
Free Resume Templates for 2024

Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and private sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.

Thank you to Integrate Autism Employment Advisors for much of the above information.

For Formerly Incarcerated

Higher Education After Incarceration: Higher education provides ex-offenders with the ability to find good job opportunities and get their lives back on track. Indeed, people with prior convictions who enroll in college degree programs are 48% less likely to be reincarcerated than those who do not.

Second Chance Hiring Has Become A Critical Need For Manufacturers, by Jim Vinoski, Forbes, September 20, 2024

Untapped Talent: How Second Chance Hiring Works for Your Business and the Community, By Jeff Korzenik. Tens of millions of people in the U.S. with criminal records are highly talented, reliable, and eager to work. Implement these second chance hiring practices to give your company a significant competitive advantage over those that do not.


Job Search Handbook for People With Disabilities: A Complete Career Planning and Job Search Guide, 3rd Ed: Daniel J. Ryan


4 Secrets That Will Improve your Employment Prospects: Improving your job prospects can take some work, but if you follow the secrets you’ll be well on your way to finding your next career path.

Making Extra Money as a Disabled Parent, By Linda Chase, Able Hire: a guide to the best side gigs for disabled parents looking to make extra money.

How And Why To Showcase Your Abilities In A Public Office: Tips on running for public office.

Unique job site can help neurodivergent people find meaningful work — while being themselves, by Vanessa Ho